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About Us

We bring scalable, practical solutions and decision support tools that equip leaders to act.


We've always worked in and with the public sector as senior managers and as a provider that understands what makes the public sector difference.

For and with the public sector

As easy as i - one, two, three analytics


Our Method

We specialise in evidenced based efficiency, service improvement and engagement. We combine our expertise in analysis with experience as senior managers leading change in the public and private sector. We work to coach, support and help you discover insights from your data, giving you the expertise, confidence and capacity to move forward to success.

We support decision makers and business case authors through consensus building, analysis and training using HM Treasury’s latest recommended approaches. 


Engagement Matters

Insights and brilliantly conceived approaches mean nothing without full scale endorsement and commitment from everyone.

We work with our to involve decision makers, customers, staff and senior management in the design and insight process.  We believe that even the best analysis is worth nothing if not worked through as a social process as well as a technical one. We prefer a shared journey of discovery so your time is spent seeing the change happen, not persuading people to believe it’s possible.


Evidence Based Management

Hunches, intuition and tradition are vital for management decisions. 

We aim to add the additional evidence based approach to support judgements using tried and tested approaches, informed by proven, data driven solutions forged in our lab. 

Procuring our services

We are an Accelerated Capability Services (ACE) provider and JOSCAR registered.


Compliantly procure our services via a range of frameworks including:


  • Bloom

  • Research and Insights

  • Vertical Solutions

  • Fortrus


Chief Constable, major UK police force

“This is unquestionably the most significant development I’ve seen in my entire time in policing.”

Head of Service, Local Authority.

"Thank you so much , particularly the approach you took to the visioning elements… even our biggest doubter was really impressed, really well done for pitching just right"

Assistant Chief Constable Sutcliffe, Greater Manchester Police

"This approach really makes us think – it does something really important at a time that is financially challenging."

i-three management consulting Ltd (trading as i-three analytics)

Company Registration: 07194570

award winning analytics with a purpose for the public sector

©2023 by i-three analytics

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